Radiating Hope: Radiology Department Blog


CincyKidsRad Social Media at the Radiological Society of North America Annual Meeting

CincyKidsRad Social Media at the Radiological Society of North America Annual Meeting

The Radiological Society of North America (RSNA) Annual Meeting is one of the largest medical conferences in the world. Each year the Radiology Department at Cincinnati Children’s targets this meeting as the place to launch our new social media initiatives. In 2012, we launched our Twitter channel (@cincykidsrad) at RSNA. Since then, our Twitter feed has grown to be one of the most respected accounts in radiology.

As our social media channels have evolved, we have continued to innovate. In the past year, we have begun using Twitter as a method to share the slides from our talks. This allows us to distill key teaching to followers who aren’t even at the meeting. If you follow us on Twitter, be prepared for a tweet storm. Last year at RSNA, we sent close to 900 tweets describing our work!

In addition to Twitter, we also highlight our work on our Instagram channel, our Figure 1 channel, and our blog. Like on Twitter, we use RSNA as the place to try new things. Last year, we began highlighting our best posters as part of our teaching on our Instagram channel. We also partnered with Figure 1, a medical Instagram, to trial new software allowing followers to answer multiple-choice questions based on our images. This year, we are partnering with Figure 1 to launch a new series of collections related to our educational posters. Sharing our content in this way allows us to reach more people and teach them about pediatric radiology. Our hope is that by teaching more people, we can improve the care for children everywhere.

Our social media program has been recognized by the RSNA. This year, Saad Ranginwala, MD and Alexander Towbin, MD will be leading an educational course describing advanced social media techniques. This is the third year that they have held this course. Over the past two years, the course has grown in popularity. This year the course will be featured in the RSNA Daily Bulletin and Dr. Towbin will be interviewed as part of a Facebook Live session on RSNA’s Facebook page. If you want to watch the interview, make sure you are tuned in on Wednesday, November 29th at approximately 11 AM EST.

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About the author: Alex Towbin

Alex is a radiologist and the Neil D. Johnson Chair of Radiology Informatics. In this role, he helps to manage the information systems used by the Radiology department. Clinically, Alex is the Assistant Director of thoracoabdominal imaging. His research interests include liver disease, liver tumors, inflammatory bowel disease, and appendicitis.