Radiating Hope: Radiology Department Blog


The Power of Play: Legos In Radiology

The Power of Play: Legos In Radiology

Recently radiologists from Cincinnati Children’s and all over the world gathered for a conference where many lectures were given, research findings were presented, and doctors played with Legos.

That’s right–Legos, those small, colorful bricks that children (and adults) use to build the creations of their imagination.

mri logo_blog20160608 Image: From www.auntminnieeurope.com, “Lego MRI: Reducing kids’ anxiety, brick by brick”

It was from the imagination of a New York radiologist and his son that a model Lego MRI scanner was first built. Then through collaboration with child life staff, other radiologists and even a certified Lego professional, a new and improved version of a MRI scanner was built to demonstrate the camera in a fun and realistic way.

Now another radiologist from the Netherlands (not far from the birth place of Lego) is expanding this project with hopes of using Lego MRI kits in children’s hospitals across the world.  Children may feel less anxious about having an MRI if they build their own scanner using Legos. Using Lego MRI kits to help prepare children may even help lower their levels of fear so they can successfully complete an MRI (sometimes without general anesthesia or sedation).

14_WAITING ROOM_Interactive Floor_DSC_3973_915_00RF051 14_WAITING ROOM_iPad_DSC_3840_915_00RF052Photos: Radiology Interactive Waiting Room with iPads, interactive floor projection, etc.

At Cincinnati Children’s, we know that play is a great way to help children feel less anxious or stressed. In our Radiology Department we offer many opportunities for your child to play—from the interactive waiting room to blowing bubbles in the prep room to light-up toys and iPads in procedure rooms. We use play to help prepare children for their imaging, and by incorporating play into a procedure, we may help your child cope more positively with a stressful or difficult situation.

Our radiology staff is on the cutting edge of technology and medical innovation, using in-depth knowledge and expert training to provide the very best imaging for your child. But by also focusing on the fundamentals like the power of play, we can offer an even more supportive and caring experience.

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About the author: Alex Towbin

Alex is a radiologist and the Neil D. Johnson Chair of Radiology Informatics. In this role, he helps to manage the information systems used by the Radiology department. Clinically, Alex is the Assistant Director of thoracoabdominal imaging. His research interests include liver disease, liver tumors, inflammatory bowel disease, and appendicitis.