Radiating Hope: Radiology Department Blog


A Tribute to Dr. Janet L. Strife

Post Date: May 31, 2019
A Tribute to Dr. Janet L. Strife

Earlier this month, Dr. Janet L. Strife passed away peacefully in Boulder, Colorado. She served as Radiologist-in-Chief at Cincinnati Children’s from 1992-2002.

Her passion was to support, educate and promote young radiologists, especially women, as they trained to become pediatric radiologists at Cincinnati Children’s. She was kind and generous, not just to her fellow doctors, but to everyone else around her.

The word “mentor,” in my opinion, is often overused and underperformed. I never remember Dr. Strife using the word mentor to describe herself, but she was one of the greatest mentors I have ever known. Her legacy will live on in the lives of many, like me, who have benefitted from her leadership, teaching and mentorship.

Dr. Randy Richardson

Below is our slideshow tribute to Dr. Strife documenting her time at Cincinnati Children’s.

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About the author: Glenn Miñano

Glenn Miñano is a media specialist in the Department of Radiology, providing graphic design, photography, printing, video services, and administration of the department’s online properties. His works have been published in several medical articles, such as the American Journal of Radiology and the American Institute of Ultrasound. He has been providing these services to the Radiology Department since 1996.