Radiating Hope: Radiology Department Blog


New Radiology Large Conference Room Is Up and Running

Post Date: January 28, 2022
New Radiology Large Conference Room Is Up and Running

As the new year began, we welcomed a lot of additions and new equipment to our Radiology Department. Cincinnati Children’s officially opened its newest medical complex, named the Critical Care Bre Building, last November. We simply call it the G Building. Inside, we have new Radiology clinical imaging rooms, a quality control center, and a reading room to complement the Emergency Division. These new areas will be described in more detail in another article down the road. In addition to the radiological clinical areas, we have relocated our new Radiology Large Conference Room to the G building as well. 

At the beginning of the pandemic, we converted our old large conference room to an extra family and patient waiting area. This was done to fulfill the recommended space and distance requirements needed for patient/family health and safety. Since then, most of our meetings have been online and there has been no space to gather for special events.  

Before COVID, we had just completed a major AV renovation to the old conference room. We had a top-of-the-line digital projector, a 52” TV monitor for online meetings, custom-controlled lights, high-end audio system, a recording system that we use to upload our didactic lectures online, and more. Unfortunately, we only had a few years to enjoy it. 


With the newly completed Large Conference Room, we can hopefully return to a bit of normalcy. No longer will our Clinical Fellows need to be across campus to view daily lectures. Our conference room is once again in close proximity to our clinical Radiology areas. The new room is larger than the previous one at 30 feet wide by 50 feet deep. It has acoustic dampening wall panels and, best of all, in relation to sound, and 11-foot-high ceiling. It has the necessary AV components to accommodate hosting a 58-attendee conference meeting, 75” TV monitor for online meetings, new up-to-date laser projector, four remote cameras, and professional microphones to pick up the speaker and audience members.  


Once the pandemic restrictions are lifted, we as a department can resume hosting events in the room, such as retirements, celebrations, hands-on teaching, and clinical stagings. Unfortunately, with COVID still lingering, our capacity is 36 attendees. Our room is still considered as the Control Center for the hospital for catastrophic events. 

We are very excited to have our Large Conference Room again, after all these years. Having a room once again where our department can collaborate, teach, celebrate, and congregate with one another makes it indispensable. 


Meredith Towbin, copy editor 

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About the author: Glenn Miñano

Glenn Miñano is a media specialist in the Department of Radiology, providing graphic design, photography, printing, video services, and administration of the department’s online properties. His works have been published in several medical articles, such as the American Journal of Radiology and the American Institute of Ultrasound. He has been providing these services to the Radiology Department since 1996.