Radiating Hope: Radiology Department Blog


Meet the Team: 2015-2016 Radiology Fellows

Meet the Team: 2015-2016 Radiology Fellows

Photo (lf-rt): Drs. Neil Lall, Aaron McAllister, Madalsa Joshi, Brian Pugmire, Hollie West, John Roebel, HaiThuy Nguyen and Enrique Alvarado.

People come from all over the world to be seen by the doctors at Cincinnati Children’s. Few stop to think that we have physicians from all over the world that come here for training and experience. That being said, we’d like to introduce our new Radiology Fellows. A few of them are familiar faces, having done fellowships with us last year and deciding to stay on a little while longer to expand their knowledge. We are so glad to have them for another year!

Sinisa2Dr. Sinisa Haberle was one of our fellows last year who is doing a second fellowship in Interventional Radiology. They say home is where the heart is, and he considers Croatia and Durham, N.C. to be home. He is married and he and his wife are expecting their first child in a month-and-a-half. Dr. Haberle did his residency at Duke before coming to Cincinnati to do his fellowship. Some of his favorite exams to read are ultrasounds of the chest and abdomen.

IMG_3327_blog20150828Dr. Jill Stein came to Cincinnati after doing her residency at the University of Utah. Home for her is Wisconsin. She too was one of our fellows last year and is staying for another year for a Musculoskeletal (MSK) fellowship. She and her husband just had their first child this past year. One of her favorite exams to read is ultrasound of the hips.

DSC_9693_tim-blog20150828Our other returning fellow is Dr. Tim Singewald. Dr. Singewald is also doing an Interventional Radiology Fellowship; vascular anomalies are some of his favorite things to interpret. Born and raised in Minneapolis, MN, he did his residency at UC San Diego Medical Center and transitional internship at Harbor-UCLA Medical Center. He lives in Cincinnati with his wife and 16-month-old daughter.

DSC_9728_blog20150827One of our new fellows is not new to fellowship. Dr. Enrique Alvarado is doing a second fellowship in Pediatric Neuroradiology . He is originally from Puerto Rico and did his residency there too. He then went to Miami for his pediatric radiology fellowship. He and his wife were just married in November. Dr. Alvarado’s favorite modality to read is MRI; however, he enjoys reading anything involving the head.

15_Lall, Neil_DSC_9653_blog20150822Another second-year fellow is Dr. Neil Lall. He is originally from Cambridge, OH. He did his residency in New Orleans at the Oshsner Clinic, and did a Neuroradiology fellowship in Denver last year. He has two older sisters and likes to read Neuro studies.

Mjoshi_blog20150827Dr. Madalsa Joshi is here all the way from Vancouver, Canada. She is an only child and has moved around a lot within Canada. Dr. Joshi did her residency in Vancouver as well. She is multi-lingual and enjoys reading cardiac imaging.

Cincinnati is home to Dr. Andrew Schapiro even though he wasn’t born here. He has a younger brother and younger sister and has spent time traveling. Andrew went to Nicaragua for an ultrasound outreach program through his residency program in Wisconsin. He enjoys reading ultrasounds the most.

McAllister_blog20150827Dr. Aaron McAllister is married and has a four-year-old daughter and a one-year-old son. He is from Salt Lake City and did his residency in West Virginia. He doesn’t have a specific favorite study to read but does enjoy reading exams involving the brain and spine.

DSC_9702_brian-blog20150828Next we have Dr. Brian Pugmire from San Diego. He did his residency at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston. He is married and has three boys, twin nine-year-olds, and a four-year-old, and a one-and-a-half-year-old girl. Brian’s favorite exams to read are abdominal CT’s.

HaiThuy_blog20150828Dr. HaiThuy Nguyen is from California. She moved around a lot when she was younger but ended up in UT Houston (Texas) for her residency and is now here for fellowship. She is also a newlywed since June. Her favorite studies to read are body MRI’s.

DSC_9705_hollie-blog20150828Another close-to-home fellow is Dr. Hollie West. She is from Murray, KY,and did her residency in UK and Vanderbilt. She has two brothers and a cat named Oliver. She is interested in pursuing a neuro fellowship after she completes this one because she really likes neuro imaging.

Hoying Family Session Image-47_blog20150828Last but not least, we have another fellow returning home. Dr. John Roebel is from Cincinnati. He did his residency at Medical University of South Carolina in Charleston, SC. He is married and has three boys, ages five, three, and one. He enjoys reading interventional radiology studies.

We have proof that Cincinnati Children’s is one of the best hospitals to bring your children to when they need a doctor. I can also tell you that it’s a great place to work too. Since we are one of the best, it takes some pretty special people to be accepted into the fellowship program, and our new group of fellows is proof of that. We welcome our fellows and are glad they are here with us this year.

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About the author: Alex Towbin

Alex is a radiologist and the Neil D. Johnson Chair of Radiology Informatics. In this role, he helps to manage the information systems used by the Radiology department. Clinically, Alex is the Assistant Director of thoracoabdominal imaging. His research interests include liver disease, liver tumors, inflammatory bowel disease, and appendicitis.