When you have an appointment in Radiology, there are a few things that you will need to know and bring before you arrive. Being as prepared as possible for your appointment helps us to take the best possible care of you and your child.
Please be sure to follow any eating or drinking restrictions there might be for your child’s test. Everything we do is for your child’s safety, so the restrictions are very important. Even a sip of water could be a big deal and could change the test or results.
Also be sure to bring your updated insurance information with you. This will make sure that we bill appropriately and you will not get billed for the portion your insurance should cover. Nobody wants to be billed unnecessarily!
Also, please show up at the arrival time requested and if you are running late, PLEASE CALL US! Many times, running late will push our entire schedule back for all of the other patients that we see. If we know ahead of time, we can try to work around it so as few people are affected as possible. If you have had to wait past your appointment time before, there is a good chance it was because someone was late before you and didn’t call to let us know. Everyone knows that unexpected things happen, but as long as we communicate, we can usually work around those inconveniences. Once you are here, you will get our undivided attention, but all of our patients deserve the same attention and respect. Please help us be the best we can be for you.
If you don’t know something, ASK! We want to know if you have questions. Please write down a list of questions and have them with you so we can address them as soon as possible. We are a team, and when you are comfortable with what your child’s exam entails, that helps everything run more smoothly.
Let us know how we are doing. We want your visit to our Radiology Department to meet and exceed your expectations, and we are always looking for ways to be better. Let us know when we’ve done a good job and notify us of things you see that we can improve upon. We are here for you.