Radiating Hope: Radiology Department Blog


Follow -Up On 2022 Jean Turner Minority Scholarship for Medical Imaging Technology (Part 1) 

Post Date: August 30, 2023
Follow -Up On 2022 Jean Turner Minority Scholarship for Medical Imaging Technology (Part 1) 

“As a young African-American woman,?Jean Turner?began her career at the?Cincinnati Children’s?Department of Radiology?in the 1960s, working under the direction of former Radiology Chair?Frederick N. Silverman, M.D.?Her 40-year career began as a radiology file clerk, and she retired as a member of the?Radiology Reading Room staff.?? 

Jean developed a love of Radiology but noticed a lack of minorities in the growing and advancing field of?Radiological technology. After discussing this disparity with Radiology managers and leaders at Cincinnati Children’s, the?Jean Turner Scholarship Award?was developed to create opportunities for minorities in the field of Radiology and to honor her 40 years of service in the Radiology department. Supporting minorities who are interested in entering the field of Radiology is one way the department of Radiology furthers its mission in achieving excellence in imaging.“ 

Eliane Mukayisenga was one of the two awarded with the scholarship. Here is her story. 

Eliane Mukayisenga’s Inspiring Journey? 

Born and raised in Rwanda, East Africa, Eliane Mukayisenga grew up in a region where access to medical services, particularly in remote areas, was a significant challenge. Compounding this issue was the presence of healthcare workers with limited knowledge, resulting in improper diagnoses and inadequate treatments for those fortunate enough to receive care.

Eliane’s own experience serves as a poignant reminder of the deficiencies in the healthcare system. At the tender age of eight, during the Genocide against Tutsi in Rwanda in 1994, she suffered a severe injury to her right jaw inflicted by militia wielding a machete. The attack left her with broken teeth and a deep cut. Fortunately, she managed to reach a hospital promptly. However, the healthcare professional attending to her provided only stitches without conducting a thorough diagnosis or assessing the extent of the damage, including the number of broken teeth.

Consequently, Eliane survived the genocide but was left with a poorly healed wound, causing significant swelling, pain, and a visible scar on her face. Seeking proper medical guidance, she revisited the hospital but was left disappointed as she received no definitive diagnosis. Lacking the benefits of imaging technology, the medical staff opted to remove three teeth, despite only two being the source of the problem.

This harrowing experience fueled Eliane’s determination to pursue a career in radiology technology, aiming to prevent others, especially children, from enduring similar ordeals. Her deep passion for helping people, coupled with her unwavering support and dependability, underscores the essential qualities of a successful radiologist.

Eliane’s journey took a decisive turn when she joined UC and had the opportunity to explore various programs. It was during this exploration that she discovered the Radiology Technology program, which piqued her interest. Without hesitation, she embarked on her path in Spring 2020, demonstrating exceptional aptitude by excelling in prerequisite courses. Her dedication paid off as she gained admission to the program in Fall 2021. Recently, Eliane proudly graduated from the Radiology Technology program at UC Blue Ash, class of 2023, and successfully passed her ARRT exam, earning the title of Registered Radiology Technologist.

Her introduction to Cincinnati Children’s hospital came through Angeline Logan, a figure who played a pivotal role in shaping Eliane’s aspirations. In the spring of 2022, she shadowed Angeline Logan in the Imaging Department, an experience that solidified her career choice and reaffirmed her commitment to making a difference. In the summer of that same year, Eliane’s dedication and potential were recognized when she received The Jean Turner Minority Scholarship. The scholarship alleviated any financial burden, allowing her to concentrate fully on her studies and pursue her goals without undue stress.

Driven by curiosity and a love for learning, Eliane has set both short-term and long-term goals for herself. First, having obtained an associate degree, she plans to gain valuable experience by working for a year before returning to school to pursue a bachelor’s degree in Technical and Applied Studies in Healthcare Leadership. Additionally, Eliane and her husband share a dream of establishing a non-governmental organization (NGO) dedicated to donating imaging equipment to hospitals across Africa. Moreover, they aspire to build a children’s hospital on the continent, further advancing healthcare access and quality.

In conclusion, Eliane Mukayisenga motivated by her own experiences, and she has chosen to pursue a career in radiology technology, aiming to rectify the shortcomings she encountered. Eliane’s resilience, compassion, and unwavering commitment serve as an inspiration to others, and her future endeavors hold the promise of transforming healthcare outcomes in Africa.

Contributions by Eliane Mukayisenga

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About the author: Becci Pryor

Becci works a lot behind the scenes. She doesn’t have the most glamorous job in Radiology, but she has one of the most important. Becci deals with regulatory compliance in radiology, such as TJC and ODH. In addition, Becci manages all the radiology policies and Knowing Notes. She handles vendor, student and visitor requirements and badging. She participates in Quality Improvement projects and does a lot of data collection. She is the radiation safety guru as well. And she does all this with a smile on her face!

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About the editor: Glenn Miñano

Glenn Miñano is a media specialist in the Department of Radiology, providing graphic design, photography, printing, video services, and administration of the department’s online properties. His works have been published in several medical articles, such as the American Journal of Radiology and the American Institute of Ultrasound. He has been providing these services to the Radiology Department since 1996.

About the editor: Meredith Towbin

Meredith Towbin is a freelance copy editor and writer. She has copyedited the Department of Radiology’s blog since it launched. She also works as a copy editor for the home improvement website BobVila.com. Her writing has been featured on HuffPost as well as other writing sites.

About The Department

The Radiology Department at Cincinnati Children's is a leader in pediatric diagnostic imaging, radiology research, and radiation dose reduction.

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