Photo: Joanne Dalton, in the middle of anesthesia nurses group, wearing a tiara.
Cincinnati Children’s is saying goodbye to two of own, who are moving on to pursue other career opportunities. Joanne Dalton has held several positions during her tenure with us. She started out as an supplemental resource unit nurse in 2001; she worked in the Medical Surgical Unit from 2003-2005 as a patient flow coordinator and then as a research nurse in infectious diseases in 2005. At the end of 2005, Joanne took a position in Anesthesia Imaging where she worked as an RNII and an interim nurse educator. As part of Joanne’s career development, she has accepted a position as a clinical developer in the NICU at Cincinnati University Hospital.
Photo: Dr. Micheal Aquino, third from the left of ultrasound technologists.
Dr. Michael Aquino, another member of our Radiology family, has accepted a position at Sick Kids Hospital in Toronto, which will allow him to be closer to his family. He started his tenure in Radiology in 2014 as primarily a late night pediatric radiologist. During his time he has made numerous friends in our department.
Our ultrasound technologists enjoyed his company during the late night shifts. They found him to be easy going, funny and friendly to the staff.
The department organized a morning going away event for him, since the majority of the people that he normally corresponded with worked during third shift. Faculty and staff stopped by to wish him goodbye and well wishes.
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