Here’s what is coming up on the Radiology Department blog this year:
Every Monday in our Radiology Department, our faculty or staff give a QuIRI (Quality Improvement in Research and Imaging) Conference. Attendees are given an update on the department of the division’s faculty achievements, projects, reviews, etc. We’ll keep you posted on the content of these meetings.
During this time of year there are a lot of holidays coming up: Halloween, Veteran’s Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Hanukkah, New Years, etc. We have articles set to post on what the departments are doing to celebrate. Expect to see a lot of photos!
This coming Halloween, the department will be having a costume contest, sponsored by our League of Laughs. Costumes will be judged on which is the best and prizes will be given.
Every year Cincinnati Children’s Co-Operative Society sponsors a Holiday Tree Decorating Contest. Each year there is a new theme. This year’s theme is “Songs of the Season.” Several hospital departments applied for the contest, but only thirteen were chosen. One of the thirteen was Radiology! The contest will be held on our Main Campus and at the Liberty Campus. Rachel Young and Anita Robbins have taken this on for MRI (Main Campus) and Liberty Ultrasound (Liberty Campus). Congratulations to them!
This coming November is the RSNA meeting in Chicago, IL. The Radiological Society of North America is one of the world’s largest medical conventions. We will also be celebrating Radiology Week in our department in the month of November. More to come on both!
That is it for now, but expect to see lots of interesting posts this coming fall.