Radiating Hope: Radiology Department Blog


Be Thankful for Family!

Post Date: June 13, 2018
Be Thankful for Family!

“Aunty,” Jem spoke up, “Atticus says you can choose your friends but you sho’ can’t choose your family, an’ they’re still kin to you no matter whether you acknowledge ’em or not, and it makes you look right silly when you don’t.” (To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee)

Featured Photo (above): Dr. Crotty as a fellow (second from left), standing with his 2001 fellowship class. 

I came to Cincinnati Children’s 18 years ago to do a fellowship in pediatric radiology with a view to returning home to Ireland. Due somewhat to my naïveté but really because of my innate inertia and my lack of organization, I approached the end of my training with no employment lined up for the following year. Luckily, Cincinnati Children’s Radiology Department was hiring and I decided to remain on to gain further experience before heading home. Although it is hard to say that I am never going home, I am slowly coming to the realization that I am here to stay.

Photo: Dr. Crotty (far right) is the head of the Radiology Fellowship Program. He’s standing with last year’s group.

Over the years, people have asked me what I miss about Ireland. Initially the answer ranged from family and friends and the ease of conviviality, to the long summer evenings that we get in the northern latitudes, to watching my favorite Irish sports teams, to living by the sea. The recent passing of some family members has reinforced what I have come to realize over the years, that what I miss most and what is most important is family.

I say that I’ve “come to realize this over the years” because in this job I’ve been fortunate to witness the incredible love that parents have for their children, be it children with an acute but short-term illness, to those less fortunate children who have a lifelong or debilitating condition. I marvel at the dedication of parents and other family members for their loved ones. It inspires me to try to be a better radiologist and I know that my co-workers at Cincinnati Children’s also strive to serve your family as best they can.

Contributed by Dr. Eric Crotty and edited by Janet Adams, (ADV TECH-ULT).

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About the author: Janet M. Adams

Janet is a sonographer at Cincinnati Children’s. She has worked in the Ultrasound department for over 26 years, and clearly has a passion for working with children. Janet serves as a lead Safety Coach, TJC representative, and education resource for her department. She enjoys challenging exams, and is involved in local and global ultrasound research projects. When she is not at work, her 4 children and 9 grandchildren keep her very busy!