Radiating Hope: Radiology Department Blog


Five Facts About CT

Five Facts About CT

Here at Cincinnati Children’s we have four CT scanners at the Base, one at our Liberty Campus, and one at the Proton Center. All of these scanners are operated by our highly trained CT technologists. Here are five facts that you may not know about CT:

  1. CT for head trauma. A CT scan is the first imaging technique used to look for brain injury or skull fractures because it is faster than an MRI, allows radiologists to see the bones better, and it is a good way to see small amounts of blood.
  2. CAT Scan has nothing to do with cats. The word CAT stands for computerized axial tomography.  These days, most people just say CT which stands for computed tomography.
  3. Smaller in size. As compared in size to an MRI scanner, a CT scanner is smaller. However, the size opening or bore of a CT scanner is much larger than a MRI machine. CT may be easier to perform in claustrophobic or very heavy patients.
  4. Portable Scanner. Children’s is one of the few hospitals in the nation that has its own portable CT scanner. This scanner is used in the ICU/CCU/NICU department. It weighs around 950 lbs. and is 60 inches high, 52 inches wide and 29 inches deep. It can preform all types of head CT scans. The scanner provides the Radiology Department with a mobile resource, perfect for our patients that can’t be transported down to our area.portable CT_blog20160309
  5. Dynamic Imaging. CT gives us three-dimensional information, allowing us to learn about the skin, the muscles, and the internal organs like the brain and liver. The three-dimensional information provided by the CT allows us to create 3D models.

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About the author: Glenn Miñano

Glenn Miñano is a media specialist in the Department of Radiology, providing graphic design, photography, printing, video services, and administration of the department’s online properties. His works have been published in several medical articles, such as the American Journal of Radiology and the American Institute of Ultrasound. He has been providing these services to the Radiology Department since 1996.