Radiating Hope: Radiology Department Blog


Keeping Things Shiny and New: How MRI Uses Continuing Education

Keeping Things Shiny and New: How MRI Uses Continuing Education

Much like our ever evolving facilities and features here at Cincinnati Children’s, we the employees continuously strive and strain to bring you the most up-to-date techniques and technology to deliver top notch care.  Believe it or not, we often volunteer to venture outside the Cincinnati Children’s grounds to find inspiration, education and motivation to bring back home.  Due to CCHMC’s high volume of students, residents and fellows as a teaching hospital, it should not be a surprise to you that we promote outside continuing education and are thrilled to share our gathered information with others in return.

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Every year the MRI department, along with almost every other department in the hospital, sends employees to conferences and classes throughout the country to present and discover the newest trends and ideas. After scanning you and your children we frequently find fresh, better, ways to increase both picture quality and visit satisfaction.  Once these ideas are formed (thanks to your help) we take this information and spread it throughout the MRI community; to be utilized within hospitals all over the United States and even other countries.  Odds are, if you discover a new feature from your last appointment it was probably shared within the MRI community initially, found through continuing education and brought back to change the outcome of your experience.  Some examples adopted throughout the MRI department are the movie/television goggles, MRI Elastography (MRI paired with Ultrasound to measure liver stiffness) and varies unique sequences used nowadays for almost all of our exams.

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Don’t you worry, the MRI community is very much a give and take group so we also like to present ideas as well as get them.  All of you are exceptional in your own way, and because of this we treat each and every one of you as an individual with individual needs and concerns.  This causes us to tailor customized protocols in which we regularly learn new and improved ways to better serve you.  Once we organize our different findings we then give back to that same community we barrowed from originally; perpetually continuing the circle of education and growth. Ultimately we thank you for your uniqueness, because your individualisms have allowed us to advance Cincinnati Children’s MRI department and national health care together.  Continue to be superstars and we will continue to learn from special individuality.

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About the author: Tony Dandino

Tony is an MRI Technologist at Cincinnati Children’s. Tony has been in his role for several years and serves as a Charge Tech, Quality Improvement Coach and Safety Coach for the MRI department. Tony has always known he wanted to work with children and in the medical field. Working at Cincinnati Children's has been the best of both worlds. Every day is something new and Tony can never wait to start the next adventure.