Radiating Hope: Radiology Department Blog


Pediatric Body MRI Course Comes to Cincinnati Children’s

Pediatric Body MRI Course Comes to Cincinnati Children’s

September is an exciting month in the Department of Radiology’s Division of Thoracoabdominal Imaging here at Cincinnati Children’s. The second Pediatric Body MRI Course presented by The Society for Pediatric Radiology is coming to town and will be held in our very own Sabin Auditorium. In addition to nearly 150 registrants, more than 20 experts from around the country will come to Cincinnati to learn what’s developed in pediatric body MR imaging over the past two years, since our first meeting in Toronto in Fall 2015.

SPR Event Information:

We are quite lucky, as several of the presenting expert pediatric radiologists are from our very own institution, including Drs. Crotty, Fleck, Merrow, Rattan, Smith, Towbin, and Trout. These physicians are truly experts in the field, and we are grateful to have them call Cincinnati home. They unfailingly provide compassionate, world-class care to our patients (who mostly come from Ohio, Kentucky, and Indiana, but venture from around the nation and the world as well)!

The upcoming SPR course will not only afford us an opportunity to catch up with friends and colleagues, but will also allow us to share knowledge with one another, including practical imaging tips and newly developed state-of-the-art imaging methods. This year’s course will cover a range of topics, some of which are: imaging of pediatric cancers, liver, pancreas, bowel, vasculature, and chest (including the lungs and airways). Yes, believe it or not, you can image the lungs with MRI! The course is an opportunity to disseminate knowledge to both academic and private practice radiologists alike as well as to radiology trainees (both residents and fellows) and MRI technologists.

So, let’s warmly welcome our visitors to town, and let the learning begin!

Contributed by Dr. Jonathan R. Dillman and edited by Tony Dandino, RT(MR).

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About the author: Tony Dandino

Tony is an MRI Technologist at Cincinnati Children’s. Tony has been in his role for several years and serves as a Charge Tech, Quality Improvement Coach and Safety Coach for the MRI department. Tony has always known he wanted to work with children and in the medical field. Working at Cincinnati Children's has been the best of both worlds. Every day is something new and Tony can never wait to start the next adventure.